One Step Forward Education Foundation is proud to continue making a multi-year commitment to MIT Open Learning and celebrate their achievements over the past extraordinary year.
MIT Open Learning opens learning to transform teaching and learning at MIT and around the globe. They believe, as do we, access to high quality education can bridge the gap between opportunity and advancement regardless of personal circumstance.
For learners of all ages across the United States and around the globe, Open Learning is an educational support system that helps fill in learning gaps and offers rapid solutions to teaching and learning needs. Serving communities at home and beyond in this way energizes and reinforces our mission in building a better world.
During the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, their teams persevered in supporting both global and local teaching and learning needs. Much of their efforts focused on quickly facilitating the transition for all students, learners, and educators to remote learning and serving as a resource for educational systems and families unprepared for this drastic shift.
Now with the pandemic behind us, they are intent on making remote learning even more effective and meaningful, securing the foundations for our education systems to weather whatever future crisis may come, and opening up opportunities to those left behind by traditional education pathways.
Program highlights:
Served hundreds of thousands of learners who used Open Learning resources to rebuild their disrupted educational pathways or enhance their skills and knowledge as they managed the crisis at home.
Created and launched MIT Full STEAM Ahead (FSA) website to support remote collaborative learning for K-12 learners, parents, and educators.
Facilitated the transition at MIT to remote teaching and learning for the campus community. We collaborated with Teaching and Learning Lab (TLL), Information Systems and Technology (IS&T), and various departments across MIT to ensure that MIT’s 1,251 classes were successfully ready for remote learning.
Documented and shared valuable lessons that have emerged to enhance and improve the effectiveness of remote learning and online courses.